Animation Now #2: Wu Junyong

by Chris Moore 墨虎恺
translated by Inge Weaseling

Wu Junyong  (born 1978 in Fujian) is a young artist working in animation, painting, and installation. His works often feature an absurdist element, in particular a figure with a conical hat. Here, Chris Moore chats with Wu Junyong about his latest works.

Chris Moore: What are you currently doing?

Wu Junyong: I currently mostly live in Beijing and Hangzhou. My studio is located in Beijing but at the same time I am teaching at Hangzhou’s China Academy of Art.

CM: What led you to become involved with animation?

WJY: I got into contact with computers and the internet in the beginning of 2000. At the time video art was more popular but I preferred making the internet into an exhibition space by creating online interactive works. Flash is a very suitable medium for transmission to the online network. For three years I made these kind of works. The invitations for exhibitions started to increase in 2005. However, the effect of virtual works exhibited in real exhibition halls wasn’t that ideal and I gradually shifted to creating animations.

CM: How do you describe the role of narrative in your animation films?

WJY: The narrative that I use has more of a parallel or parallelistic approach, similar to the writing of poetry. It’s different from the narrative of classic storytelling. Through the layering of different images the hidden intention behind the images is extended.

CM: Where did you grow up and were you introduced to art?

WJY: Before going to university I used to live in Putian, Fujian province. It’s a traditional county town where a strong spirit of art pervades. The countryside, temples, village performances and other kinds of art surrounded me during my childhood. My first experiences with art, besides these many very traditional folk influences, were socialist and Soviet art which was used as a political propaganda tool.

CM: Who were your first influences?

WJY: My father is a folk artist who is extremely hardworking and optimistic. He is good at painting, carving, calligraphy and music. He greatly influenced me.


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