

禾木空间 (北京朝阳区百子湾路32号院苹果社区北区3-038)。2012年4月12日至6月15日


的确,唐永祥对图像的“侵略”构成了此次展览的主题。无论是《像是女人的局部, 蓝色背景的》(2011)、《那个女人的嘴很红》(2010-2011)还是《几个圆圈和五角星》(2011)均给人一种反向图像叠加的感觉。在这些画面中,唐永祥改变了通常意义上的图底关系,让我们感觉到遮蔽起来的才是原始的画面主题,画家在用“减法”的方式进行作画,更确切地说是在进行遮掩和流露,给观者留下了一种巧合、怪诞的图景,也从而提出了他对图像的独特体验和运用方式。

Tang Yongxiang, “Red Lip of the Woman,” oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, 2011.
唐永祥,《那个女的嘴很红》,布面油画,100 x 80 cm, 2011

Tang’s “conquest” of the image constitutes the theme of the exhibition. Whether in “Like Part of a Woman” (2011) or “Red Lip of the Woman” (2010-2011) or “Several Circles & Five-Pointed Star” (2011), the paintings give off the sense of images piling up in reverse. In these paintings, Tang changes the ordinary relationship of the image and the background, allowing us to sense how what is covered up is what is fundamental in the subject of the surface. Through a technique of “subtraction,” or more precisely through covering up and then venting, the artist leaves viewers with eerily coincidental scenes; this also brings forth his unique experience of the image and mode of operation therewith.

Tang Yongxiang, “Like Part of a Woman,” oil on canvas on blue background, 100 x 80 cm, 2011.


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