


对于伤痛,女性艺术家总是流露出至少一丝的迷恋——至少经常会直白地表露出来。裴丽此次进行的“P计划”是在仁艺术中心的实验空间里呈现一整套纹身设备。如果你感兴趣,预约成功之后便可“享受”免费纹身,前提是你需要拿自己的一个故事与她进行“交换”。这个互动方案的设想是:将有关纹身招募的信息放在网上,任何人都可以提出申请。但参与者却寥寥无几,至今为止唯一接受过她纹身的是这个小空间的策划人,同为艺术家的杨冬雪。事实上,当纹身应征者告诉裴丽自己的故事之后,裴丽会劝说他们放弃纹身的念头,而把他们的故事用关键词的形式打印在墙上,连同一些没有图像只播放字幕的黑色屏幕一同展出。也可以说,这个展览与视觉的关系远远不如和情结的关系密切,但裴丽希望凭藉纹身的(象征性)行为来讨论的精神/肉体痛苦问题却不太容易落实。真正的伤痛,无论是何种形式,必定是被个体感知的,而纹身这种形式和个体的感受之间的关系并非既定:选择纹身,或选择同一纹身的母题可以出于完全不同的因素。当前,纹身这种活动更多地构成了青年文化的表达方式,而不一定出于唤起伤痛体验的“故事”。裴丽说:“我经常努力感知新事物,经历生活,不是为了从中获得灵感,而是去发现那种能使人成为艺术家的东西。” 笔者不由想到了作家高尔基的一句话:大凡作家都有一个苦难的童年,但是很少有人为了当作家甘愿自己经历这样的童年。

Pei Li, P Project, installation view, 2013
Artist Pei Li at the opening, 2013

True pain, no matter what form it takes, is always an individual experience; meanwhile, the relationship between tattoos and personal experience is not necessarily a given. The choice to get a tattoo or to undergo similar body modification can be due to many different factors. Currently, tattoos are more often being used as a medium of expression by certain elements of youth culture; they do not necessarily have to evoke the “story” of a painful experience. Pei Li says: “I often try to experience new things, experience life, but I’m not searching for inspiration, I’m trying to discover the elements within which can turn a person into an artist.” Upon hearing this we immediately thought of Maxim Gorky’s quote: “Most writers have had a painful childhood, but very few people are willing experience such a childhood for the sake of becoming a writer.”

Pei Li, P Project, installation view, 2013


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