
第11届Frieze艺术博览会在周三开幕,共入选了国际顶尖画廊152家。回国参加本次艺博会的知名人士包括将于明年秋进驻伦敦的玛丽安·古德曼(Marian Goodman)以及从柏林回来的马科斯·赫茨勒(Max Hetzler),赫茨勒是欧洲第一批代理杰夫·昆斯的画廊家之一,他极富策略性地将自己的展位置于高古轩对面,后者展出的是当今最贵的一位在世画家的大型作品。由于去年10月Almine Rech曾经展出至少三件昆斯的雕塑作品——或者说至少是三件非常相似的雕塑作品——因此这次昆斯更加令人印象深刻。从苏黎世回来的Eva Presenhuber的展位设计得突出而大胆,令同行们钦佩之至,这也使博览会的联合总监马修˙史拉托维(Matthew Slotover)少了些许担忧——Frieze依然是创新的弄潮儿。

不过,几家重要画廊的缺席也不容忽略:布鲁塞尔的夏威尔·哈弗肯斯(Xavier Hufkens)和柏林的neugerriemschneider,二者都是世界顶尖艺博会——艺术巴塞尔的评审方(艺博界公认的No.2,巴黎国际当代艺术博览会的评审成员——柏林的Galerie Neu也没来),这可让英国的这次艺博会闹心了。

Thomas Struth,”Tokamak Askex Upgrade Interior 1″, Max Planck IPP, Garching, 2010 (ed. of 6), available at Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, (over USD 200,000 USD]
Takashi Murakami,”Naked Self-Portrait with POM (Gold)”, 2013,available at Perrotin, Paris (950,000 EURO)
front: Mike Nelson,”Golden Stick (Lord Luck)”, 2013 (GBP 15,000)
behind: Jeppe Hein,”Tight Diagonal Cut”, 2011,available at 303 Gallery, New York [15,000 EURO]
front: Ugo Rondinone,” (clay nude)”, 2012
behind: Don Brown,”Yoko XXXIV”, 2012
wall: Jannis Kounellis, “Untitled”, 2005, available at Almine Rech Gallery, Paris/Brussels
Thomas Houseago,”Untitled”, 2012,available at Modern Institute, Glasgow (USD120,000)
Bernadette Corporation with Benjamin Huseby, “BC Lifestyle INT 2 – Ruby”, 2013, available at Greene Naftali, New York (USD 12,000)
Do Ho Suh,”Secret Garden”, 2012, available at Lehmann Maupin, New York (USD 500,000 – 600,000)
front: Sarah Lucas,”Obsidiana”, “Maradona”, 2012
behind: Adrian Villar Rojas, “Untitled”, 2012, available at kurimanzutto, Mexico
front: Conrad Shawcross,”Maquette for Perimeter Studies (Icosahedron) Arrangement 2″, 2013 (GBP 22,000)
behind: Idris Khan,”The Creation of the Creator”, 2013, available at Victoria Miro, London (GBP 90,000 GBP)
another Koons, Jeff Koons,”Titi Tyre”, 2000-2012, available at Gagosian
Robert Longo,”Untitled (Chavalier)”, 2013, available at Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg / Paris (USD 320,000)
front: Gavin Turk,”Flat Tyre”,2013 (GBP 40,000)
back: Willem Boshoff,”Flag I”, 2003, available at Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg (GBP 55,000)
llya Kabakov,”Vertical Painting #7″, 2012, available at Pace Gallery
front: Jeff Koons,“Sacred Heart (Blue/Magenta)”, 1994-2007, available at Gagosian
back: “Ribbon”, 1995-1997 / 2010


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