Prix Net Art (PNA) Prize Announced

Though online art sales have gained mainstream attention, artistic creation focused on the internet itself has been relegated to the margins, relatively speaking. Recently, Rhizome along with CAT/CCIA (Center for Art and Technology) and TASML (Tsinghua University Art and Science Center Media Laboratory) have launched the Prix Net Art.

As Rhizome states, “To us, the prize feels timely. It celebrates the current moment of internet art and looks ahead to its future. As many artists have won international acclaim for work that tackles technology as subject matter through media forms of long standing—sculpture, installation, and painting—internet art remains less recognized, less supported.”

The award is set for the next three years, and made on a “no strings attached” basis. It is aimed at “acknowledging those who have continued to make work on the internet despite limited financial and institutional support, and who remain committed to working online”. From 2014 to 2016, the international jury will choose a winner, who will be awarded 10000 USD, along with a second distinction prize, at 5000 USD.

Prix Net Art Jury (2014):

Michael Connor (USA)

Samantha Culp (USA/CN)

Sabine Himmelsbach (DE/CH)

Zhang Ga (USA/CN)

Deadline for Entries:

August 31, 2014 (midnight, Eastern Standard Time)

Nominations can be made by artists, curators, critics or arts professionals of any kind. Artists can nominate themselves. In addition, nominations are being solicited by jurors and a group of internal nominators for the prize (see the Prix Net Art website)

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