Lu Song’s Strange Landscapes

Lu Song “Hills Beyond the Backdrop”

Alexander Ochs Galleries (Besselstr. 14, Berlin)
Jan 18—Mar 8, 2014

Where are these strange dark lands in Lu Song’s paintings? Who are the lonesome individuals wandering through the symbolic scenery? Surreal, but organic elements meet modern housing complexes. In his solo show, “Hills Beyond the Backdrop,” Lu reflects on nature and the nature of mankind in his environment. Juxtaposing soul-imbued nature and oppressive city structures Lu questions the supposed supremacy of man over nature by reflecting on the loneliness of individuals in megacities.

Lu Song uses his darkish-muddy viscous colors in a twofold effect: texture and tone together create the somnambulant atmosphere in his paintings, one reminiscent of European symbolist painters in the late 19th century.

The series shown at Alexander Ochs Galleries was created in 2013 and presented for the first time.  Lu (born 1982) studied at the University of Wolverhampton and the Wimbledon College of Art in London and has had solo shows since 2011 and will participate in the upcoming survey of Beijing artists, “The 8 of Paths,” at Uferhallen in Berlin.

Lu Song, “Too Lost to Say Goodbye (1),” oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2012.吕松,《讲不出再见1》,布面油画,50 x 40 cm, 2012
Lu Song, “The Worst Fear and the Best Fantasy,” oil on canvas, 130 x 210 cm, 2013.吕松,《最深的恐惧和最美的幻想》,布面油画,130 x 210 cm, 2013.
Lu Song, “Sober,”oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm, 2013.吕松,《清醒》,布面油画,60 x 50 cm, 2013

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