Jean Nouvel Designs New NAMOC, China Pavilion in Venice & More

Jean Nouvel Wins the Design of NAMOC

Jean Nouvel was finally announced to have won the design of the National Art Museum of China in Beijing. His design is reported to be inspired by the character “one” in Chinese calligraphy. The future NAMOC, to be located in the former Olympic grounds in Beijing, is expected to have a surface area of 130,000 sq m, as opposed to the current 18,000 sq m. [source in Chinese: link]


A Better Chinese Pavilion in Venice

According to Wang Chunchen, the China Pavilion at the Venice Biennale will finally be cleared of the oil barrels which had caused headaches for curators over the years. Of the oil barrels, all except one will be removed, the lone one being kept in commemoration. [source in Chinese: link]


Duchamp’s Suitcase Lands in Beijing

Last week, the indomitable Duchamp went on display in Beijing. UCCA’s “DUCHAMP and/or/in CHINA” exhibition promises to investigate “Duchamp’s lingering influence on the development of contemporary art in China.” The show focuses on Duchamp’s Boîte-en-Valise — a “portable museum” consisting of miniature reproductions of his key work (including The “Large Glass,” aka “The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even”) plus work by Chinese artists who claim to have been influenced by him; amongst them are Huang Yong Ping, Wu Shanzhuan, Wang Luyan, Song Dong, Lee Kit and Ai Weiwei. The curators are Francis Naumann and John Tancock, from New York.


Louvre Chalcography at Rockbund

Meanwhile in Shanghai, Rockbund’s “From Gesture to Language” features the etchings from the Louvre’s Chalcography department, with the highlight being the etchings that the Qianlong emperor commissioned from the Royal Engravers of Louis XV. The exhibition also features a range of contemporary artists from China and the West, including Jenny Holzer, Bruce Naumann, François Morellet, Danh Vo, Yan Pei-ming, Xu Bing, Yang Jiechang, among others.


The Warhol Asian Tour Continues…

The Asian tour of “Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal” lands in Shanghai, after Singapore and Hong Kong. The show features a range of works, including key video works, a range of silk screens, photography and time capsules. The show will continue on to Beijing later this year, and then onwards to Tokyo. Conspicuously missing from the show will be Warhol’s iconic Mao paintings. Andy Warhol Museum director Eric Shiner told art website Hyperallergic: “This is disappointing because [Warhol’s] imagery is so mainstream in contemporary Chinese art.”


Rubell Collection to Showcase Chinese Works at Art Basel Miami Beach

For their 2013 exhibition in Miami, American collectors Mera and Don Rubell will show the work of 25 Chinese artists including Zhuang Huan, Ai Weiwei and names “lesser known” artists in the US (source: Bloomberg). The exhibition entitled “Year of the Artist” is going to be “The culmination of the Chinese art we’ve been buying since 2001” says Mrs. Rubell.


Launch of a New Online Buying Platform, a new online art trading platform focussing on Asia, launched this week. Artshare is attempting to distinguish itself from competitors such as, Ocula and VIP, by focussing on art from Asia with curated, thematic exhibitions. Artshare CEO, Alexandre Errera, said he was pleased with the launch exhibition, with most works sold in the first days.

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