Beginning March 29th, the Guangdong Times Museum in Guangzhou will host 5 seminars and an exhibition on the subject of Positive Space. The term refers to an analysis of the relationship between architectural spaces and people; contrastingly, architectural spaces which are unstructured or organized in this respect are labelled “negative” spaces.
Curated by Bao Dong and based around selected topics, for example “On the ‘Locality’ of Self-Organization”, the program aims to explore the emergence of self-organized practice and small-scale institutes by artists in China in response to the negative effects of the museum/gallery system. The forum proposes that museums adapt to play a part in this new, expanded landscape, which it deems “positive space” in the sociological sense.
An exhibition from March 29–May 4, 2014 at Guangdong Times Museum will “probe into the different points of departure, focuses, structures of organization and methodologies of different institutes. The 12 participating institutes will present their self-perception and self-imagination as “institutional pavilions.” (Quoted from press release).