Gaze: On Zhao Zhao’s Waterfall

Zhao Zhao “Waterfall” in group exhibition Spiel der Throne | Game of Thrones

Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Dahlem, Berlin Jun 18 – Oct 27 2013

An odious, violent red. An imperial throne whose emptiness implies liberation. What ruler would
be crass enough to sit amongst such gore? And yet liberation from what? The red of nation,
family; the red of blood. Blood is family and nation. A throne that serves as a warning to all
would-be rulers. A throne for dead emperors, for show trial protagonists, for critics. A red that
has been splattered, that leaks, and yet, staticized into waxed permanency, evinces the sense of a
past obscenity, one whose mess has been fossilized into a hardened remnant rather than cleaned
up: the unerased museum piece.

Zhao Zhao’s Waterfall is on display until October 27, 2013, as part of the group exhibition, Game of Thrones, at the Museum of Asian Art in Berlin.

Zhao Zhao’s participation was organized in conjunction with ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING.

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