CCAA Art Award to Seek Public Nominations

Coming on to sixteen years since its inception, the CCAA (Chinese Contemporary Art Award) has decided to open up to public nominations on the basis of its original system of nominators. By allowing public nominations and self-nominations, independent artists are thus encouraged to apply. This year, out of each nominator’s list of the ten “best artists” and “best young artists”, there must be one artist selected from the publicly solicited applications.

This iteration of the CCAA will have a nominating committee composed of six curators and critics (ordered alphabetically): Nikita Cai Yingqian, a young curator at the Guangdong Times Museum; Professor Gao Shiming, the director of the Inter-Media Arts at the China Academy of Art; Karen Smith, the managing director of OCAT Xi’an; Li Feng, the assistant director of the Minsheng Art Museum; Pauline Yao, curator at M+ Hong Kong (and recipient of the 2007 CCAA Critic’s Award), and Zhu Zhu, a poet, curator and art critic (and recipient of the 2011 CCAA Critic’s Award).

For more about CCAA, see our interview with Uli Sigg: 15 Years of CCAA: Interview with Uli Sigg

source: official Wechat of CCAA

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